Wednesday 17 April 2013

Whiskas revealing the nature of your cute and friendly cat!

After seeing this, you may see your cat differently... The cat food brand Whiskas just launched an amazing campaign in which it depicts your little friendly cat as big cat in the African wild! Created by the british agency Abbott Mead Vickers, the series of print ads shows cats hunting down and provoking very wild animals such as gazelles, giraffes, elephants... 
With this campaign, the brand wanted to show that it gives your beloved cat everything it needs, and that it "feeds your cat's instincts", as it says in the baseline. I think it is really brilliant and will definitely appeals the target: people who love and take care of their cat, and maybe even consider it as a friend. I totally imagine a 25-years-old woman calling her cat "my little hero", telling it how cute it is, and this ad will totally make her buy the product. 

You can also see the TV commercial and its making-of. 

Julie Jamis

Photographer: George Logan
Retoucher: Tony Swinney